Al Gore

10 Years Ago, Al Gore Predicted the North Pole Ice Cap Would Be Ice-Free in 5 Years

On December 13, 2008, Al Gore told a German audience that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in five years.”  The following year, he warned that some climate computer models suggested that there was a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years during some of the summer months.  In September, it snowed during a blizzard in South Africa.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 134 In The Cards by Stephen Singular

Good friend and frequent guest Stephen Singular joins me today to discuss his latest book and first novel In the Cards. The book deals with the 2000 election and one journalists effort to expose the corruption and manipulation of the results by the GOP. Stephen begins by giving us an overview of the novel and what led him to write it. He also discusses the setting and the circumstances around the rigged 2000 election. We then talk about the novels protagonist, freelance journalist Jimmy Iverson. Stephen talks about the sort of person that Jimmy is and the journalistic ideals that he holds.

Deconstructing the Climate Demagoguery of the Wine Country Wildfire Tragedies

By Jim Steele | Landscapes and Cycles | October 25, 2017 As sure as the winds will blow, climate demagogues hijack every human tragedy to amplify fears of rising CO2 concentrations. Despite that fact other critical factors were keys to understanding the devastation of the Wine Country fires, politicians like Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and […]