airline bailout

The Behavior Of The Airlines Makes The Case For Letting Them Go Bankrupt And Forcing Them To Reorganize Under New, Less Predatory Management

There was some sympathy in Congress to let the airlines go bankrupt, but that never got off the ground. Last April the Washington Post noted that the airlines had received more than $12 billion in taxpayer funds as part of the $25 billion they were granted in the first pandemic relief package.

Welcome To The COVID Economy

Sure, there's a Trump tweet for occasion; but there's also a George Carlin video for every occasion as well. You may prefer how Carlin explains what we're going through as a society now but economist James Galbraith is slightly less pessimistic. In fact, he wrote a piece for The Nation this week about how to confront the side-effects of the pandemic, namely the economic one. He looks at it square in the eyes and wants you to accept it: "a house of cards has fallen.