US Congress Disciplines Congresswoman Who Objects to Policies of Israeli Lobby by Passing Resolution Condemning White Supremacy and Antisemitism

Democrat Ilhan Omar, a Somali refugee, criticized the Israeli lobby (AIPAC) of buying American politicians with large campaign donations. Former Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, said the same thing when she was in office and, in 2008, lost her bid for re-election because of massive AIPAC funding for her opponent.

How Anti-Semitism Vigilantes Are Feeding the Far-Right

Has anyone else noticed how almost anything you say nowadays – if it’s leftwing – can suddenly be cited as proof of your anti-semitism?
That is if you haven’t already been denounced as a Kremlin stooge.
Oppose the regular neoconservative regime-change operations, such as the latest one targeting Venezuela, and point to the long record of war crimes committed by one of its current architects, Elliott Abrams, and that apparently is probable evidence that you’re an anti-semite.

The First Rule of AIPAC Is: You Do Not Talk about AIPAC

By Thomas L. Knapp | Garrison Center | February 15, 2019 Washington’s political establishment went berserk when US Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) publicly noted that US-Israel relations are “all about the Benjamins”  — slang for $100 bills, referring to money shoveled at American politicians by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Omar was accused of […]

NPR misleads public in report on AIPAC vs Ilhan Omar

Washington D.C. headquarters of NPR, National Public Radio NPR’s ‘All Things Considered’ segment underreports AIPAC’s finances, uses only Israel partisans as commentators, minimizes power of AIPAC, ignores Palestinians, and fails to inform listeners of the full scope of the Israel lobby By Alison Weir | If Americans Knew | February 15, 2019 A recent NPR […]

Ilhan Omar Did Not Make An Antisemitic Statement-- But That Isn't Stopping AIPAC And Their Rightwing Allies From Going Ape-Shit

You may not remember Victoria Wulsin but she was one of the very first candidates ever endorsed by Blue America. Back in 2006 she decided to take on right-wing crackpot Mean Jean Schmidt in a southern Ohio district that stretched over 7 counties from the outskirts of Cincinnati into the Appalachians. One of her staffers-- fresh out of college-- was Ady Barkan, now a renowned 36 year old attorney and much-admired activist at the Center for Popular Democracy.

Richard Houck - Omar on AIPAC Influence & AOC's Green New Deal - Hour 1

Richard Houck, author of Liberalism Unmasked, joins Henrik to discuss Trump's State of the Union address, the no-go on the wall and the recent controversy when Muslim Representative Ilhan Omar, a Minnesota Democrat, drew attention to the influence that AIPAC has on American politicians. We talk about how the Democrat party is turning hard-left and what that means for Israel and those who advocated for the demographic change of America.