Ralph Nader: Beware The Coming Flood Of Frankenstein Chatbots

Consumer protection advocate Ralph Nader has pegged the harms of AI correctly, and calls for proper government regulation. Until then, the use of AI and Chatbots are unregulated and wide open for abuse. This is comparable to Google's discovery of Surveillance Capitalism in the early 2000s where it ran unobstructed at full-throttle, leading to total domination of its industry.

Dancing With The Devil: Open AI Boss Calls For Collaboration With China

Technocrats across the world have a naive affinity for each other, regardless of political system at the top. This is partly because Technocrats have no use for political systems, except for the extent that they can be used to further Technocrat goals. Like the U.S. government, China's governors will grab any technology useful for warfare and try to capitalize on it.

Competing With God? Harari Suggests AI Could Write Bible, Creating ‘Religions That Are Actually Correct’

Noah Yuval Harari has declared open war on God by suggesting that AI may soon be able to write a Bible that is "actually correct." Such a new religious proposition is met with mostly blank stares, but Harari is dead serious. Unfortunately, AI is incapable of incorporating mercy or grace into its output.

Huh? UK To Get ‘Early Or Priority Access’ To AI Models From Google And OpenAI

The Prime Minister of England, Riski Sunak, is a Technocrat who pursues digital vaccine passports, digital banking AI and quantum computing. Why early access to the latest versions of AI? Certainly not to figure out how to best weaponize it against mankind? Any, why England? Financial center of the world?

UK AI Task Force Advisor: 2 Years Left To Contain, Or Else

There are two problems facing humanity, described by the words. "deep" and "wide". Widespread adoption of current models means current models are everywhere. Meanwhile, as capabilities deepen, those enhancements are seamlessly immediately pushed out to all the installations in the world. Open AI has pledged to slow new releases, but other AI companies are pushing ahead at full speed.

BIS Engages AI To Monitor All Global Bank Transactions

The BIS' justification is to crack down on illegal money laundering by anyone but itself. The hypocrisy is stunning: the BIS itself is largest money laundering operation in history. It is crushing its competition as well as preparing for the global network of Central Bank Digital Currencies, to be orchestrated by the BIS of course. As revealed in my book. The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, the BIS sits at the apex of global control, the Great Reset and scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy.

In Japan, AI Can Learn From Any Data Source, Even Illegal Ones

AI is nothing but an empty pillow case without the data it uses for "learning". Does anyone ask where all this data comes from? Or question if it is ethical or legal to do so? Were it not for the massive streams of data from the Internet, there would be no AI. Once this data is "stolen" for learning, it cannot be unlearned.