Big Tech Overlords Decry Lack Of AI Regulation, Then Fight Regulators To Stand Down

Google's discovery and exploitation of Surveillance Capitalism pales in comparison to the spread of AI in healthcare. It is a wild west of perpetual lawlessness with no accountability or transparency. Whatever gains that can be established within the next two or three years will decide who has the bulk of market share and hence, perpetual profits.

ChatGPT’s Evil Twin ‘WormGPT’ Is Silently Entering Emails And Raiding Banks

CharGPT is just one version of advanced AI platforms, but as predictable, it has already fallen into the hands of evil people to do evil things... like emptying your bank account, The broader societal effect of AI will cause grave damage to critical thinking, education, employment and business. Pandoras box has been opened and there will no shutting it down at this point.

UN Summit: AI Robots Could Run The World Better Than Humans

The United Nations views AI as essential to accomplishing its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Why? Because AI can run the world more "efficiently" and autocratically than humans. With AI, enforcement of SDGs would be "standardized" for all, and would thoroughly dispassionate. Technocracy thrives on data, and there is no such things as too much.

Google Declares It Will Scrape Entire Internet For AI ‘Learning’

Is Google asserting ownership of the entire Internet? It appears that way, but other AI companies are thinking in the same direction. If data exists anywhere, Technocrats believe they have a right to possess it. Data is the Technocrat's heroin and like addicts, they will bluster, lie, cheat and steal to feed their habit.

Matt Bracken - Collapsitarianism, Multigenerational Goals & Survival - Hour 1

Ex-Navy SEAL Matt Bracken joins Henrik to talk about conflict, war, chaos, civil war, survival, war in Ukraine and much more. We discuss deferred gratification and that we are in a fight that will most likely take many generations to win. If we want our children, grand children and their children to survive we must be able to set our sights on multi-generational efforts and goals.
This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.

Matt Bracken - Collapsitarianism, Multigenerational Goals & Survival - Hour 1

Ex-Navy SEAL Matt Bracken joins Henrik to talk about conflict, war, chaos, civil war, survival, war in Ukraine and much more. We discuss deferred gratification and that we are in a fight that will most likely take many generations to win. If we want our children, grand children and their children to survive we must be able to set our sights on multi-generational efforts and goals.
This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.

Open AI And ChatGPT: The Shepherds Of The Singularity Or Highway To Doom?

Orwell said, "Don't let it happen". Well, it happened. The AI genie is out of the bottle and spreading like like wildfire throughout the world. It is being structurally embedded at all levels of society. For every potentially good use, there are multiple horrific uses, like creating a lethal bioweapon in as little as two hours or driving someone to suicide. There is no possibility of containing AI at this point because too many companies and countries are deploying it. Technocrats build because they are compelled to, not because there is demonstrated need to do so.