Facebook’s New ‘Proactive’ AI to Scan Posts for Suicidal Thoughts

21st Century Wire says…
Facebook is rolling out its latest artificial intelligence bot with the hope that the software will save lives, according to CEO Mark Zuckerberg. The social media juggernaut will use a special algorithm to flag posts that fit a certain pattern, then route them to a human being that can escalate early intervention.

New Artificial Intelligence Designed to Be Mentally Unstable: What Could Go Wrong?

(ANTIMEDIA) — We tend to think of artificial intelligence entities as flawless intellects, early prototypes of the powerful ‘artilects’ futurists imagine will one day rule our world. We also tend to think of them as not being subject to unhappy thoughts or feelings. But one company has created an artificially intelligent machine-learning system that suffers from mental instability, or the AI equivalent, and the creators deliberately designed it to be unstable.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 115 Paranormal Halloween Special with Aaron Franz

Aaron Franz joins us for a special paranormal/occult Halloween special. We start off by discussing our opinions on Halloween as it exists today. We then move onto the ancient Druid and pagan roots of the holiday and the deeper esoteric meaning behind it. Aaron and I discuss how this pagan festival was absorbed into the Christian All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day. We look at how Halloween has become a commercialized holiday predicated on buying candy and other useless products.

Genderless FUTURE – Jay Dyer on H.G. Wells Luciferian Open Conspiracy (Free Half)

A genderless from the FUTURE honors HG Wells, the prophet. Yes, the plan of the future is to live inside or above a Wal Mart, Target or Google City. Quite Literally. Moving on in our globalist books series, we cover HG Wells baffling and Satanic text, The Open Conspiracy. The 1935 text is a comparable companion to Bertrand Russell’s works and the rest of the Quigley Crew. The Open Conspiracy proposes the New World Order is itself the new religion of the future. The full talk can be obtained below.

Kubrick, Minority Report & A.I. – Hollywood Decoded Ep 8 – Jay Dyer & Jay Weidner

With Minority Report and A.I., Stephen Spielberg presents two visions of the future of techno-consciousness. Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner analyze the augmentation of consciousness through technology as self-awakening awareness and psychic surveillance. Though these are fanciful tales of a somewhat idyllic future, hidden within the details are subtle hints of the future to come. We learn of technology which has already become an accepted part of our current culture and advances yet to come. This presentation was originally webcast October 9, 2017.