Interview 1340 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3=""][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: the military imposes GPS blackout over western US during exercise; algorithms will soon take over sentencing in the court room; and a new study proves community-created ISPs are better than corporate monopolies.

Black Mirror SJWs, Manosphere Woes, Eyes Wide Shut Elites & Hollywood Illuminati – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Tonight on the show the Boiler gang is back, despite technical issues, discussing the case of a young person who believes she has two personalities, two genders and has to choose between them each day upon waking up, the fracturing of the human psyche as a trauma based mind control tactic, Jerry Seinfield at ‘Anti-Terror Fantasy Camp’ in Israel with his family, a scathing review of Netflix’s latest shows and the social messages contained within, a discussion on the often mischaracterized and highly criticized ‘man-o-sphere’ and mens rights advocates, Black Mirror and contemporary future dys

No Conspiracy: US military seeks to control your Facebook

For years the conspiracy theorists have claimed that Facebook is a CIA front operation, and that it serves as a way to track everyone in the USA.  In the most recent years, especially from the time of the 2016 Presidential elections to now, Facebook, Twitter, Google and other platforms which allow social media have been charged with being biased and “against” the posting and activities of people who dissent with the way the government and powers-that-be want you to think.