Employee Backlash Against Google Prompts Company to Let Its AI Contract with the Pentagon Expire

Google gave in to employee demands after dozens of them quit and close to 4,000 signed a petition demanding that the tech giant cancel its contract with the Pentagon to build artificial intelligence (AI) technology for weapons and that it implement “a clear policy stating that neither Google nor its contractors will ever build warfare technology." [...]

Aussie Super-Tech Down Under

Despite better capitalisation elsewhere in China, India and Singapore, cutting edge innovation is still percolating down under.
Ashlee Vance visits his ancestral homeland of Australia in search of a booming indy tech scene – now home of polyamorous biohackers, internet playboys, underwater drones and giant animatronic robotic dinosaurs. Watch:

READ MORE SCI-TECH NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Sci-Tech Files

SKYNET & DARPA – The Transhumanist Takeover is Here & Vanilla Ice Too! – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room
Tune in for this live may 18th presentation of your favorite podcast on the internet as the original anti-think tank coalition of rebels discusses Yale’s new bio-tech of reanimating severed pig heads, some movie talk, some impressions, (not-so)fond memories of Vanilla Ice’s B-sides, esoteric symbology behind Clive Barker’s puzzle box, some reflection on Boiler Room’s infamous past and much more. Please support ACR, become a Patron and share the show page around! Find Boiler Room on iTunes, iHeartRadio and

Zuckerberg Admits He’s Developing Artificial Intelligence to Censor Content

(ANTIMEDIA) — This week we were treated to a veritable carnival attraction as Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of one of the largest tech companies in the world, testified before Senate committees about privacy issues related to Facebook’s handling of user data. Besides highlighting the fact that most United States senators — and most people, for that matter — […]

Professor STEPHEN HAWKING’s Last Warnings to Humanity…

Human beings aren’t just getting greedier, but stupider. That’s according to Professor Stephen Hawking: and, really, it doesn’t seem like a particularly shocking statement or commentary. Just simple observation seems to indicate a rapid stupidification process going on all over the place, for a whole host of reasons and manifesting in a whole bunch of […]