Welcome to Your Driverless Future!

We've all seen the propaganda by now: Like it or not, autonomous driving technology is on the way. But what will that future look like? Should we be concerned about the lack of control implicit in these technologies? How vulnerable they are to hackers, both criminal and deep state? Or the fact that our entire society is about to be re-engineered before our very eyes? Join James for this thought-provoking episode of The Corbett Report as he explores the road ahead on the path to the driverless future.

Episode 341 – Welcome to Your Driverless Future!

[audio mp3=""][/audio]We've all seen the propaganda by now: Like it or not, autonomous driving technology is on the way. But what will that future look like? Should we be concerned about the lack of control implicit in these technologies? How vulnerable they are to hackers, both criminal and deep state? Or the fact that our entire society is about to be re-engineered before our very eyes?

Sex Robots – From Hollywood Dystopia to Reality – Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

Audio Here 
Sunday Wire connects with special guest, deep politics & cultural analyst Jay Dyer – author of best-seller Esoteric Hollywood – for an incisive psychological look at America’s obsession with existential enemies and geopolitical foes throughout its modern history, most notably the all pervasive “Russian Threat!” which dominates US and European political discourse at present.