Great Reset / Fourth Industrial Revolution / Davos – Jay Dyer (Half)

Having read Klaus Schwab’s new book Fourth Industrial Revolution, I will bring you the new installment of the elite books series.  We will look at what Klaus says Davos has planned, the continuity across spheres, the layers, the use of crises, the new economy, and other so called fantastical ideas of the Great Work that are glibly discussed at the elite level (that you cannot!).  Live at 5PM CST 


Desiring Machines in the Age of Biocapitalism

The sophistication of our technological tools, with causality levels proper of the current interplanetary biocapitalism, have shot out the formation of new multicausal contexts, dispositionally bearers of new rules that trigger new causalities with systemic effects of global erasure of the dialectic molecularity that determined the dynamics relations of production/productive forces, with loss of autonomy on the part of the workers.