Fintech Is Financial System For Sustainable Development, Aka Technocracy

Technocracy's 2020 pandemic coup has exploded the use of fintech apps in Europe by 72 percent, while the adoption and use of cryptocurrencies has risen exponentially. Designed by humans, if all AI can do is speed response time and deliver more "efficiency", then societal and policy errors will be accelerated by orders of magnitude.

Great Reset Transhumanism & History – Jay Dyer on Charles Moskowitz Show

 Charles Moskowitz and Jay Dyer discuss the Darwinian ethos and trans-humanism and the desire for man to be God. Remember to boost that T naturally with 60% all products at using promo code ‘JAY60’ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase […]

Omicron Covid Variant Scare, VR Vaccinations, ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracies - FF Ep148

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik and Lana cover the latest Covid variant 'Omicron' in episode 148 of Flashback Friday.
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Technocracy Ahead: Digital ID Is Set To Control Your Life

India has been the global testing ground for a ubiquitous digital id that will be your constant companion as you move through your day, providing access to every service, building and activity. If it is ever "cut off", you will have nothing and you won't be happy about it. Technocrats seek total control over everything in society, moving or not.

‘Digital Biology’: Biology Viewed As An Information Processing System

Google's parent, Alphabet, is already deeply embedded in the medical industry, but is expanding with a new subsidiary, Isomorphic Labs. The company will attempt to discover the "common underlying structure between biology and information science", in a quest to accelerate new drug discovery. It will partner with pharmaceutical and biomedical companies.

Metaverse, Simulation Theory, Virtual Worlds & Other Dimensions? Jay Dyer (Half)

 This evening I will cover the metaphysics of virtual worlds, the rising metaverse and the popular, connected notion of simulation theory as well as their connections to surrealism. How “real” are the elements and entities of the virtual world? Conceptual entities? Are things “real” in different ways? What about the connection to mystical experiences […]