Robots And People Getting Closer Through Romance And Relationships

There is natural affinity to give names to inanimate objects and then to relate to them on an emotional basis. In the 1980s, I had a friend who always named her cars and then spoke affectionately to it by name. When it was time to change cars, it was like a funeral to retire the old and induct the new. No two cars had the same name.

AI Research Is A Dumpster Fire And Google’s Holding The Matches

Google invented Surveillance Capitalism and yet most of the world doesn't have a clue what that is or means. It is the use of machine "intelligence" to transform the collective into a resource that can be sold for huge profits. This is not benevolent to humanity, but rather destructive to individualism as well as all democratic systems of governance.

China’s Technocracy In Full Bloom: Packs Of Drones Hunting Humans

The faux cover for advanced drones that can fly and hunt in packs is that they will be used in rescue operations. However, there is no technology in China that has not ultimately been used for warfare or suppression of their own citizens. These drones can be easily fitted with explosives or other weapons capable of disabling and/or killing their target.

How Technocrats Turned Your Face Into A Weapon Of War

Controversial Clearview AI has benevolently donated its facial recognition software to Ukraine to use to identify Russian invaders both dead and alive. This may be the first instance for a person's face to be used as a weapon of war and does not bode well for future warfare. Clearview scrapes images from social media and the Internet to maintain the largest repository of faces in the world.

Phoenix From the Ashes: From Vietnam Technowar to Technocracy (Half) – Jay Dyer

Tonight’s lecture will cover the real story of Vietnam as best I can tell from various academic, intelligence and historian sources. From the Jacobsen History of DARPA to Valentine’s Phoenix Program, Vietnam encompasses a psychological operation like no other. The full lecture will be available for paid subs to my site or r0kfin. Live at […]

Military Looks For AI To Replace Decision-Making On Battle Field

Left unchecked, artificial Intelligence will eventually subsume all areas of life on earth, including health, population management and warfare. As the wounded are harvested from battlefields, AI is now sought for performing triage to decide which soldiers to treat first who are deemed to be "savable", potentially leaving others to die.

Eric Schmidt: The Real Brains Behind Biden’s Science Office

Biden has thrown open the doors of power of science and health care to Eric Schmidt, former Alphabet and Google chairman and member of the Trilateral Commission. Schmidt is heir apparent to Henry Kissinger, a founding member of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Fauci, Gates and Collins are figureheads of health tyranny, but Schmidt may be the principal director.