Google Denies Manipulating Search Results For GOP Senate Candidates

Backed into a corner built with its own previous lies, deceptions and obfuscations, Google cannot do anything other than lie about its current activities. As Sir Walter Scott wrote long ago, "‘Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive." It's easy to get in, but it's impossible to get out. Anti-trust laws should immediately applied to Google.

Technocrat Eric Schmidt: Helping To Write AI Laws In Washington Without Disclosing Massive Investments In AI Startups

Schmidt is a member of the Trilateral Commission.  While at Google, he pioneered secretive "surveillance capitalism" using AI that skirted and defied legal control while making multiplied billions in the process. Now he is helping to write AI legislation in Washington without publicly declaring his own massive investments in AI.

Interview 1755 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

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This week on the New World Next Week: Trudeau is on the stand as the Emergencies Act inquiry gets underway in Ottawa; Japan to bring in an integrated digital ID card; and AI art is winning prizes now.
The post Interview 1755 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato first appeared on The Corbett Report.

Interview 1742 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

This week on the New World Next Week it's Conspiratainment Bingo as WEF (doesn't) promote AI for censorship; the White House tells social media platforms to censor journalists; and the Moonies conspiracy in Japan is revealed.
The post Interview 1742 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato first appeared on The Corbett Report.

WEF Calls For AI To Censor ‘Hate Speech’ And ‘Misinformation’

The WEF was the original standard narrative against which all censorship was measured. Now it is calling for preemptive censorship to head off "hate speech" and "misinformation'' before it is actually published. That means it must essentially monitor every keystroke before the "submit" button is pressed. This would be the disillusion of free speech

AI: A Secular Look At The Digital Antichrist

[su_note note_color="#daf2fd" radius="2"]Highjacking evolution in order to become the "intelligent designers" of life on earth reflects the urge of transhumans to become like God. It also reflects their utter contempt for God as the original intelligence behind all earthly design. Regardless of how it is positioned, the transhuman goal is anti-God and anti-human.

Humanity 2.0: ‘The Fusion Of Our Physical, Digital, And Biological Identities’

Technocrats invent because they can, not because they have a mandate to do so. Transhumans are racing to create Humanity 2.0 by mastering the human genome and hence, the functional operation of humans. Thus, meddling with the human immune system with mRNA injections is merely a warm up to what is coming down the line.

Eric Schmidt: AI Is As Powerful As Nukes

Eric Schmidt is a top global technocrat and heir apparent of Henry Kissinger, both members of the elitist Trilateral Commission that is the headwaters of modern Technocracy. To compare AI to nuclear bombs is a misnomer because nuclear bombs actually destroy matter while AI is still struggling to drive a car in a straight line. Is Schmidt signaling that AI will become a weapon of mass destruction?

Automated Killing Machine: Robot Dog Fitted With Machine Gun

Technocrats build because they can, not because there is any good moral or ethical reason to do so. We have repeatedly warned against militarized robots able to use advanced AI, biometric identification and deadly armaments. Now, Technocrats have the ability to fully automate the killing of humans and the destruction of property.