Top AI Conference Bans ChatGPT From Writing Academic Papers

ChatGPT stands for "Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer". It can perform natural language generation at such a high level of accuracy that it can pass the Turing Test, i.e., fooling humans that they are communicating with a computer. Even Technocrat AI leaders are recognizing the dangerous implications and are erecting stop signs.

Interview 1777 - Swiss Army Deploys to Protect Fat Cats at Davos - #NewWorldNextWeek

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This week on the New World Next Week: the Swiss Army deploys ahead of next week's World Economic Forum in Davos; an AI lawyer tackles its first case in court; and a computer outage stops all flights in America.

Shock Study: Social Media Use CHANGES The BRAINS Of Teenagers

Thank you, Technocrats. You have disrupted the lives of tens of hundreds of millions of youth, if not an entire generation. One of the most damaging social media platform on the planet is China's TikTok app, which is not surprising coming from the world's first Technate. Remember, Technocracy is the "science of social engineering". But don't think it stops there!

Unprecedented, Unholy, Unseen: AI Chatbots Are Colonizing Our Minds

AI bots are ubiquitous, yet potentially mind-altering in major ways. From digital assistants like Siri and Alexa to social media to support lines for your appliances, you are interacting with programs every single day. Do they have the collective influence to change your thinking? Or worse, the way you think? This article should be read start to finish. Then read it two more times - Joe Allen is NOT a bot.