Skynet Rising: Robot Dog Merged With ChatGPT Brain

Every development like this will be used by the military to ultimately turn on the citizens of their own country. DARPA is already firmly embedded in Boston Dynamics, the Internet, Open AI, Google, etc. Imagine an army of robots equipped with ChatGPT and facial recognition to patrol the streets of America. Too far fetched for you? It's time to get in touch with reality!

IBM To Stop Hiring For Roles That Can Be Replaced By AI; Nearly 8,000 Workers To Be Replaced

The CEO of IBM said that the company has about 26,000 back office workers who do not interface with the public and that he could see 30% of those workers replaced by AI over the next five years. IBM currently employs about 260,000 workers and continues to hire for software development and customer-facing roles.

IBM Freezes Hiring For Roles That Can Be Replaced By A.I.

It begins. The Technocrat reshuffle of humanity is clearly seen at IBM where there is no mercy for humans that can be replaced by A.I. Goldman Sachs' estimate of 300 million lost or degraded jobs by A.I. is no small dent on humanity and that only envisions current technology. As ChatGPT advances in power, the number of displaced workers will naturally rise proportionately.

The COMIRNATY Illusion, The Transgender Psyop, East Palestine & A Lot More (Two Part Show)

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/27/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...