AGM Podcast

Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 105

Anarchy, Socialism and Free Markets

In this rant of Empire, Power and People, I try to begin a discussion on the subject of anarchism: beginning with discussing some fundamental principles of anarchist thought in questioning and legitimacy of all power structures. From there, ideas of socialism and free market “libertarianism” are discussed and critiqued. If one follows the logical train of thought behind both socialist and free market ideologies, the middle-ground between the two is Anarchy. It is there that the future of humanity “may” rest.

Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 97

Consulting for Oligarchs

What is a global consulting firm? What are the most influential firms, and what is it that they do? Consulting firms work for clients that include governments, banks, corporations, international organizations and think tanks. Taking the example of one such prominent institution – the Group of Thirty – we can see that consulting firms have a prominent role in doing the research and thus, shaping the minds of those who shape the world.

Listen to the podcast show here (Subscribers only):

Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 95

Understanding the Global Political Awakening

Zbigniew Brzezinski has – for years – articulated a concept of what he calls the “global political awakening,” referring to the growing restlessness and political activism of the masses of mankind as representing the central challenge to global power structures. This episode goes over many of Brzezinski’s speeches and writing on the global awakening, and analyzes his [elite] perspective, but also what that means from the other direction, that of the population of the world (the ‘awakened’ or ‘awakening’ masses).