
Big Win for Animal Lovers: Judge Strikes Down Ag Gag Law in Idaho

Activists who try to film animal abuse on Big Ag farms often face a fine of up to $5000 for whistleblowing on the industry. But just a few short weeks ago, a federal judge ruled that Idaho’s controversial ‘ag gag’ law was unconstitutional, and said that criminalizing undercover documentation violates both free speech and the equal protection clauses of the constitution.

Shocking Undercover Footage Reveals Chicken Producer Tyson’s Animal Torture

Sickening, hidden camera recordings at a factory farm run by leading chicken-producer Tyson Foods reveals shocking animal abuse. This video is shocking, disgusting, and sad, so if prepare yourself for what is about to come.
In the video above, you can see how thousands of chicks are stuffed inside a windowless warehouse, where there is no sun or fresh air. They are thrown and tossed around to the point of pain and injury, all while having barely enough room to move in tightly enclosed spaces.