
Relationship Beyond Physical Death

Relationship Beyond Physical Death The Ochelli Effect 3-1-2021 Martin Sawa  Relationship Beyond Physical Death When a plea is heard for guidance in life it goes beyond the spoken word. Martin Sawa wrote his memoir about his personal journey from his parents’ immigration from atrocity-stricken places in the world to America and his evolution to [...]
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Study Shows Some Genes Activate After Death

According to a new study, life does go on after death, at least for your genes. For some animals, their genes may remain turned on for up to four days after death. This discovery can be used to help in preserving organs for transplants and determining when a victim of a murder was killed.
Scientists have even discovered that genes associated with creating an embryo and cancer can actually turn on and remain increasingly-active after death.

Dead for 45 Minutes, 14 Year Old Boy Comes Back to Life After Prayer

In a recent event, a Missouri-born 14-year-old boy named John was pronounced dead after falling through the ice of Lake St. Louise and remaining underwater for more than 15 minutes. Soon after, doctors pronounced him dead for more than 45 minutes, only for him to come back to life after his mother started praying for him in a loud voice. 
When is the last time you heard a story about someone returning to this plane of existence after death?