Afrin Offensive

Battle Line Blurs As Turkey Assaults Afrin

  Turkey’s assault on Afrin for the last few weeks has made it difficult to define a battle line in the imperialism-intervened Syria. The people in Afrin are experiencing death and destruction as Turkey is bombing and bombarding Afrin, yet a part of Syria. The Kurdish people in Afrin are being driven to caves and basements. And, the sectarian rights-mongers[Read More...]

A Brief Analysis of the Turkish Invasion of Syria

Behind the Headlines: Turkish F-16s attack the Kurdish held city of Afrin in Syria  All the news today is about Turkey attacking Afrin, a Kurdish governed city in northern Syria and threatening another Kurdish run city named Manbj.    This is a very dangerous situation and another devastating assault on the Syrian people who have already suffered so much from[Read More...]

Kurdish Frictions: Turkey’s Campaign In Afrin

It’s a cruel saga, and one that promises no immediate end. Turkey, considered one of the more potent of powers within the NATO alliance, has manoeuvred itself into a play that Washington will find hard to avoid.  For Ankara, one thing must not happen as Islamic State forces gradually vanish, or more likely metamorphose into the next force they will,[Read More...]

Afrin Offensive: Erdogan’s Madness Continues

During the last 24 hours, 72 Turkish jets have reportedly struck 150 targets inside the Kurdish-controlled Afrin district in north-western Syria in which six civilians and three Kurdish militiamen have lost their lives. And today, Turkish ground troops in armoured vehicles have intruded five kilometres inside Afrin from Syria’s northern border with Turkey. In addition, Turkey has also mobilised the[Read More...]