
Obama’s Legacy In Africa: Terrorism, Civil War & Military Expansion

A man walks away after leaning his bicycle against a mural of President Barack Obama at the GoDown Arts Centre in Nairobi, Kenya ahead of the visit of Obama. (AP/Ben Curtis)
NEW YORK — (Opinion) The corporate media is predictably churning out nauseating retrospectives of Obama’s presidency, gently soothing Americans to sleep with fairy tales about the progressive accomplishments of President Hope and Change.

US-NATO Invade Libya to Fight Terrorists of Own Creation

Up to 6,000 troops are being sent to invade and occupy Libya, seizing oilfields allegedly threatened by terrorists NATO armed and put into power in 2011. February 2, 2016 (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The London Telegraph, almost as a footnote, reports of a sizable Western military force being sent in on the ground to occupy Libya in an operation it claims is aimed at fighting the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS).

The Human Rights Empire Attacks Burundi

Since April of 2015, the Republic of Burundi has been beset by a violent protest movement organised by NGOs financed by the United States and the European Union. These so-called ‘civil society’ organisations have engaged in mass murder, arson, and sabotage in a concerted attempt to spread anarchy in the country on behalf of neocolonial interests.

Say No to War: Thousands of Germans Demand Withdrawal of US, UK Troops

Sputnik – October 19, 2015 Christoph Horstel, a government consultant and publicist from Germany, began collecting signatures against the presence of US and UK troops in Germany. The petition has gathered more than 40,000 signatures. The people who have signed the petition are demanding the withdrawal of US and UK troops from Germany. Overall 58,000 NATO soldiers […]

Say No to War: Thousands of Germans Demand Withdrawal of US, UK Troops

Sputnik – October 19, 2015 Christoph Horstel, a government consultant and publicist from Germany, began collecting signatures against the presence of US and UK troops in Germany. The petition has gathered more than 40,000 signatures. The people who have signed the petition are demanding the withdrawal of US and UK troops from Germany. Overall 58,000 NATO soldiers […]