
Interview 1380 – Money Magic and the Scramble for Africa

[audio mp3=""][/audio]James joins Melody Cedarstrom for his regular appearance on Financial Survival. This week they discuss the monetary system upon which the political puppet show is based and the scramble for African resources that is shaping up between the US and China.

Syria, White Helmets, Russia & Trump: Modern Technocratic Geopolitics – Jay Dyer on Interregnum

The Arktos crew talks geopolitics with the immensely knowledgeable Jay Dyer of From Syria to Russia, from Europe to America, from the identitarians to the Atlanticists, join us as we investigate the real powers that are vying for control in the global chessgame today.
Jay’s YouTube channel:

Porkins Policy Radio episode 133 JP Sottile on Kushner and Tariffs, Chuck Ochelli on AFRICOM and China

In the first hour JP Sottile of News Vandal joins me to discuss the latest political machinations in Washington DC. We begin with the latest developments regarding Trump lackey Jared Kushner. JP and I talk about his recent loss of Top Secret security clearance and what this may or may not mean going forward. JP then discusses the latest revelations about Kushner and his ties to both Qatar and the UAE.

AFRICOM Envisions Two Years Of Open-Ended Warfare In Somalia

The Pentagon has submitted operational plans to the White House which outline at least two years of combat operations in Somalia against the militant group Al-Shabaab. The plans coincide with AFRICOM’s ramped-up campaign of airstrikes in Somalia, carrying out 32 so far in 2017, more than twice the number conducted the previous year. In November, AFRICOM bombed an alleged Al-Shabaab[Read More...]