african woes

Food Insecurity and the Prospects for Emerging Players

With the inauguration of Joe Biden, and the coming post-Covid era being bound to create uncertain new realities, people are taking the time to assess what this future will look like, so they can take advantage of it before others do. The combination of a generally very negative environment, and change occurring within it, is […]

Why Would the US Stir Up Conflict in North Africa?

The Trump administration, which left the US political Olympus, actively sought to sow contradictions in the unity of the Arab world in the Middle East, to divide these countries, to force the states that yield to the influence of Washington to lose even more identity and independence in their politics, to obey only the dictates […]

America’s Engine of Progress Steamrolls Western Sahara

In December of 2020, the White House announced the Israel–Morocco normalization agreement. In January USAID announced Morocco is being designated an economic hub under its Prosper Africa Initiative. According to this deal, Morocco is to get $100 million per year for five years to promote two-way trade between Morocco and the US, and to strengthen […]

Tunisia is Yet Again at the Forefront of a Tide of Protests

Ten years after the beginning of the “Arab spring” that swept the Greater Middle East, Tunisia – the birthplace of that – yet again led a wave of protests caused by the same problems that remained unresolved by its “revolutionaries”, primarily concerning the socioeconomic sphere and the fight against unemployment, which particularly affects young people. […]

Conflict in Central Africa

The Constitutional Court of the Central African Republic announced the results of the presidential elections in the country, which were held within the time frame set by the Constitution of the country – December 27, 2020. The current president remains the head of state. Faustin-Archange Touadéra, who, according to figures announced by the National Electoral […]

All the Votes in the CAR Presidential Election have been Successfully Tallied

Despite provocations from the militants and those supporting them, the authorities in the Central African Republic managed to successfully hold presidential and parliamentary elections on December 27. According to a statement from the CAR National Election Authority, the incumbent president of the Central African Republic, Faustin-Archange Touadéra, has already won the first round of the […]