African immigrants

Israel: PM Netanyahu Not Interested in Cultural Diversity, Says African Migrants Worse than Jihadists

PM Netanyahu said that the electrified fence along its border with Egypt is necessary to ward off African migrants who are a greater threat than Islamic terrorists. Why? His answer is that they threaten the Jewish state's national character. [Control over immigration is a right of national sovereignty just as much as we have the personal right to keep strangers out of our homes.

Violent Anti-African Race Riot Rocks Israel

Miri Regev, Israel Legislator, Calls Sudanese Refugees ‘A Cancer’ Amid Violent Anti-Immigrant Protests

Violence surged in the streets of Tel Aviv as a 1000-strong protest against African immigrants seeking asylum in Israel turned violent.
Residents of a low-income Tel Aviv neighbourhood descended to the streets, waving Israeli flags and chanting “Deport the Sudanese” and “Infiltrators get out of our homes” to protest against the increase of African migrants moving into the area and the country.