african american

George Floyd’s Murder Reminds Us: Israel’s Knee Sits on the Neck of Black America

As the three-year anniversary of George Floyd's death nears, David Miller investigates the campaign to silence critics of Israel's role in training American police on the violent tactics of suppression meted out on Black Americans.
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The Eugenicist’s Playbook: Politicized Science Is Making a Comeback in the Age of COVID-19

Science has emerged as the new religion of contemporary Western civilization, raising the status of its practitioners to the level of secular sainthood and its findings increasingly taken as the voice of God. Never in history has such a patently unscientific approach to science been so prevalent as it is today in the midst of this global health crisis, where people with a Ph.D.

Why the NAACP and His Friends at the Top Can’t Make Ben Jealous the Next Maryland Governor

BALTIMORE — At first glance, Ben Jealous appears to be a good bet to become Maryland’s first black governor. Running in a blue state — where Democrats outnumber Republicans two to one and nearly one in three voters is African-American — against an incumbent Republican governor, Jealous is a liberal Democrat, a son of Baltimore, and the former head of the NAACP, which is headquartered here. He even received an endorsement from the popular black comedian Dave Chappelle.

Why a Two-State Solution May Be the Only Answer to America’s Enduring Racial Divide

I will state flatly that the bulk of this country’s white population impresses me, and has so impressed me for a very long time, as being beyond any conceivable hope of moral rehabilitation. They have been white, if I may so put it, too long. They have been married to the lie of white supremacy too long. The effect in their personalities, their lives, their very grasp of reality, has been as devastating as the lava which so memorably immobilized the citizens of Pompeii.

The Black Faces in High Places Supporting America’s Police State

The worst hate group in the United States is not the Ku Klux Klan or any self-proclaimed alt-right group. The most racist, vicious, and deadly menace to black people in this country is law enforcement. The police, courts and prisons exist primarily to keep as many black people under control as possible. All other claims of usefulness are phony and cover up the racist cruelties inherent to their existence.

When a Black Journalist Wins a Pulitzer, Chances Are It’s For Writing White

NEW YORK — In her 1993 bestseller, Volunteer Slavery: My Authentic Negro Experience, the African-American author Jill Nelson wrote that when newsrooms and police departments began to integrate following the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., white journalists and patrolmen often encouraged their new black co-workers to prove their professional loyalty by “shooting their own.”

Speaking Fees, Selfies, Sucking Up to Power: How BLM Lost its Mojo

CINCINNATI, OHIO — In a stinging rebuke of Black Lives Matter (BLM), the organization’s local affiliate here last month announced that it was severing all ties to a movement it characterized as opportunistic, too invested in liberal, electoral politics and the Democratic party, and ultimately ineffective in fighting state-sanctioned violence against African-Americans.

Left, Undone: As Women March, Blacks Increasingly Question the Quality of their Allies

Forty years ago last fall, the late Richard Pryor took the stage at the Hollywood Bowl for a gay rights fundraiser and delivered what was perhaps the most incendiary monologue of a career that was both famously — and literally — combustible.
What the audience of 17,000 mostly gay, white men anticipated was to be regaled by the virtuoso in his prime. What they in fact got was a conflagration, as Pryor lit into the LGBT community for what he characterized as their indifference to African-Americans’ struggle.

Philadelphia: Democrats Support Removal of Plexiglass Barriers in High Crime Area Shops

A bill has passed Philadelphia's Public Health and Human Services Committee requiring shops that sell food to remove bulletproof barriers that were installed to protect shopkeepers in high crime areas​. City​ Councilwoman Cindy Bass says she is behind the ban because the barriers are an indignity and an insult to the mostly African American population. [...]