
Africa and the Collective West after the Start of Russia’s Special Operation in Ukraine

It was not yesterday that the US and EU countries, as well as the famous constellation (which in addition to the US includes the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) started a hybrid war against Russia, including on the African continent. They started it back in 2012, when it became clear that Vladimir Putin was […]

US and Europe are Ripping Off All of Africa’s Gas

Following Washington’s Russophobic instructions, European politicians are touring the world in search of free gas to reduce dependence on Russia. And they have identified Africa as the key region in this regard. The countries of the Arab world are less actively considered by the Europeans, understanding that they are not eager, if it is to […]

Palestine is a Loud Echo of Britain’s Colonial Past and a Warning of the Future

[This is the transcript of a talk I gave to Bath Friends of Palestine on 25 February 2022.] Since I arrived with my family in the UK last summer, I have been repeatedly asked: “Why choose Bristol as your new home?” Well, it certainly wasn’t for the weather. Now more than ever I miss Nazareth’s […]

Africa Supports Russia’s Operation in Ukraine and Advocates a Revival of the Non-Aligned Movement

The events in Ukraine and Russia’s actions there are perceived differently around the world. While some countries, under Washington’s onslaught, impose sanctions against Russia overits operation in Ukraine, others are strengthening relations with Moscow, or at least maintaining the status quo. While the Western world, influenced by the Russophobic policies of Washington and its allies, […]

As ‘La Françafrique’ Comes to an End, Russia is Ready To Replace France in West Africa 

Finally, France will be leaving Mali, nearly a decade after the original military intervention in 2013. The repercussions of this decision will hardly be confined to this West African nation, but will likely spread to the entirety of the Sahel Region; in fact, the whole of Africa. France’s decision to end its military presence in […]

The G5 Sahel Group – Clearly Just an Illusion

The vast Sahel region, stretching across Africa from Senegal to Sudan, has long been the continent’s powder keg. National governments have been able to secure peace here and as a result millions of citizens in Mali, Niger, Burkina-Faso and the other Sahel nations have been forced from their homes and flee en masse to Europe’s […]

MSNBC Needs a History Lesson: Imperial America is “Greatest Purveyor of Coups” on Earth

MSNBC legal analyst Daniel Goldman, Majority Counsel in the first Trump impeachment inquiry, adds to the vast TV disinformation wasteland […]
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