
South Africa and the Special Military Operation in Ukraine

Relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Africa, which have always been cordial, are now being put to the test. This is due to the start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. Many countries around the world are engaged in a public debate about Russia’s actions. South Africa, considered one of […]

Chancellor Scholz Tried to Get Germany IInvolved in the Battle for Africa

Against the backdrop of France’s recent blatant failures on the African continent, whose inhabitants are increasingly determined to throw off the shackles of modern French neocolonialism, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz decided to seize the moment and use the French vacuum in Africa to strengthen Germany’s position there. To this end, on May 23 he and […]

Why is Eritrea Supporting Russia?

After the Russian Federation launched a special military operation to de-Nazify Ukraine, there have been quite a few participants in the international community who turned out to be ready to openly support the Kremlin. A new force has appeared among those that always approve of Russia’s actions (Belarus, Syria, and North Korea) – a small […]

Cameroon and Russia Start Working More Closely Together

Despite the distances that separate the two regions, Russia and Africa have been bound together by close political, economic and cultural ties for many decades. In the West, African nations tend to be associated with poverty and a lack of development, and receive little media coverage, but in reality many countries on the continent have […]

US Pressures African Countries into Breaking Away from Russia

At the first Russia-Africa summit in 2019, Vladimir Putin hosted 43 African leaders — more than the number attending similar events in the UK or France. Even back then, at the Sochi summit, the Russian president criticized the West for imposing “political or other conditions” on African states in order to break them away from […]

A history of naked imperialism continues as Biden approves Somalia redeployment

Biden has reversed Donald Trump’s withdrawal of US forces from Somalia and will redeploy Special Operations Forces. It is just the latest move in a long history of destructive US-UK meddling in the Horn of Africa. Almost as soon as the administration of President Joseph Biden announced a redeployment of US Special Operations Forces to Somalia on May 16, the Western media began to spin the intervention. As the BBC framed it, Biden’s deployment would “support the fight against militant […]

Mali is Deprived of an Opportunity to Follow Policies Independent of the West

Attempts by the inhabitants of the states of the African continent to throw off the shackles of modern neo-colonialism and pursue a policy independent of the West are being met with active resistance from the very same West. Another confirmation of this is the recent coup attempt thwarted by the authorities in Mali. Mali’s Ministry […]

“Booming” Economy Leaves Millions Behind: Part Four

The last three economic updates (see end of article) focused primarily on the U.S., whereas this update focuses more on global conditions. The data coming in every day, month after month, is revealing a clear picture of the dire straits confronting millions globally. Problems appear at every level and on every continent. There is no […]
The post “Booming” Economy Leaves Millions Behind: Part Four first appeared on Dissident Voice.