
The Intricate Fight For Africa: The Legacy of the Soviet Union vs Western Colonialism

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s recent tour in Africa was meant to be a game changer, not only in terms of Russia’s relations with the continent, but in the global power struggle involving the US, Europe, China, India, Turkey and others. Many media reports and analyses placed Lavrov’s visit to Egypt, the Republic of Congo, Uganda and Ethiopia within the[Read More...]

Once Led By a Fierce Champion of Anti-Colonialism in Patrice Lumumba, the Democratic Republic of Congo Has Effectively Been Recolonized by Western Capital

The United States does the heavy lifting, but Canada provides consistent behind-the-scenes support to enable the plunder of Congo and other nations in the Global South. On October 14, 2004, a group of ten armed men took control of the city of Kilwa in the eastern Katanga province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) […]

Lavrov, Macron, Blinken and Africa

From July 23 to 27, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Egypt, the Republic of Congo – Brazzaville, Uganda and Ethiopia. During these visits, which covered the Northern, Eastern and Central Africa, he was received by the heads of these States, Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers. The special significance of this visit was due to […]

France is Rapidly Losing Influence in Africa

France has never taken into account the interests of the African nations, and now, as a result of its aggressive neo-colonial policies, this former imperial power is seeing a rapid decline in its influence not only in its former colonies but across the continent. In fact, France is increasingly being viewed both in these countries […]

All That I Ask Is That You Fight for Peace Today

Fuyuko Matsui (Japan), Becoming Friends with All the Children of the World, 2004. The fragility of Europe’s energy supply has once again been on display in recent months. Gas shipments through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, which runs from Russia to Germany, were reduced to 40% of capacity in June, a cut that Moscow said […]
The post All That I Ask Is That You Fight for Peace Today first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Will Our Children Be Literate? Will They Look Forward to the Future with Dignity?

Nú Barreto (Guinea-Bissau), A Esperar (‘Waiting’), 2019. The world is adrift in the tides of hunger and desolation. It is difficult to think about education, or anything else, when your children are not able to eat. And yet, the sharp attack on education during this past decade forces us to consider the kind of future […]

Ilhan Omar’s meddling in Horn of Africa earns boos at Somali American concert

Framed by Republican media as a backlash against Ilhan Omar’s “woke” politics, the boos of a Somali American crowd expressed growing anger over the congresswoman’s role in US meddling in the Horn of Africa. Ilhan Omar was greeted with vigorous booing during a July 2 concert featuring Somali singer Suldaan Seeraar in Minneapolis. The booing was so profound and so sustained that it was impossible to mistake it for cheering, or all the thumbs down for thumbs up. It reportedly […]

Africa in the Light of SPIEF 2022

Moscow has in recent years been increasingly developing its cooperation with Africa in all directions. The current world situation has prompted the search for new opportunities for direct trade and economic ties, and for many years now SPIEF has been one of the platforms for communication between various states and businesses. It is therefore not […]