
Three Perspectives on America’s Invasion-Occupation of Afghanistan

Edited by Eric Zuesse Presented here will be, in condensed form, perspectives from the U.S. Deep State (as represented by the U.S.-based Council on Foreign Relations), and then from critics of the U.S. Deep State (as represented by the Russia-based Strategic Culture Foundation). Then will be presented, in full, the perspective from myself, who am […]

Forget Wars on Covid and Terror: War on Climate Collapse Is the Only War of Necessity for Human Survival

Mythology of humans’ natural impulse for empathy Warfare has been a plague haunting the human species ever since our evolution to become Homo Sapiens, finally, around 300,000 years ago in Africa. Etymologically, homo means human and sapiens means wise or knowledgeable. One can see that in this 18th century anthropocentric characterization of our species, the […]

Anti-war veterans explain how US lost Afghanistan while leaders lied, profited

Anti-war veterans Matthew Hoh and Danny Sjursen on the reality of the war in Afghanistan that was kept from the public. As the US establishment grapples with its defeat in Afghanistan, US veterans Matthew Hoh and Danny Sjursen explain how the war in Afghanistan was lost, Afghans suffered, and military contractors profited – all while the American public was kept in the dark. Guests Danny Sjursen: Retired US Army officer, senior fellow at the Center for International Policy. He served […]

Reluctant Acceptance: Responding to Afghanistan’s Refugees

Do not for a minute think that this is a kind, heart-felt thing in the aftermath of Kabul’s fall. True, a number of Afghans will find their way to Germany, to Canada, to the UK, US and a much smaller number to Australia.  But this will be part of the curtain act that, in time, […]
The post Reluctant Acceptance: Responding to Afghanistan’s Refugees first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Rapport de situation (SitRep) hebdomadaire du Donbass – 21 août 2021

Chaque semaine, nous vous proposons un rapport de situation (militaire, politique, économique et sociale) en vidéo et en français de la semaine écoulée concernant le Donbass, l'Ukraine, et la Russie. Cette semaine, le rapport de situation couvre principalement l'évolution de la situation militaire dans le Donbass, le projet de loi sur la période de transition déposé par le gouvernement ukrainien, le fait que l'OSCE enregistre de moins en moins les violations des accords de Minsk par l'armée (...)


Rapport de situation (SitRep) hebdomadaire du Donbass – 21 août 2021

Chaque semaine, nous vous proposons un rapport de situation (militaire, politique, économique et sociale) en vidéo et en français de la semaine écoulée concernant le Donbass, l'Ukraine, et la Russie. Cette semaine, le rapport de situation couvre principalement l'évolution de la situation militaire dans le Donbass, le projet de loi sur la période de transition déposé par le gouvernement ukrainien, le fait que l'OSCE enregistre de moins en moins les violations des accords de Minsk par l'armée (...)
