
Mass Psychology of Neofascism – The rationale underlying political ‘irrationality’ : Dr Abhay Shukla

Dr Abhay Shukla, public health physician and health activist will be delivering  the 8 th lecture in the ‘Democracy Dialogues Lecture Series’  on ‘Mass Psychology of Neofascism : The rationale underlying political ‘irrationality’  organised by New Socialist Initiative on Sunday, 21 st February, 2021 at 6 PM (IST)               … Continue reading Mass Psychology of Neofascism – The rationale underlying political ‘irrationality’ : Dr Abhay Shukla →

Some People-- Say 37% Of American Registered Voters-- Are Comforted By Fascism's Orderly Nature... And The F Scale

"Making the trains run on time" has long been a kind of excuse for supporting the neatness of authoritarian rule. There were-- until Pearl Harbor-- lots of Americans who enthusiastically and openly supported fascism. In 1933 a Nazi from organization, Friends of New Germany, was active in New York and Chicago, spreading fascist propaganda. Two years later it morphed into the German American Bund, led by Fritz Julius Kuhn, a nationalized American-- like Trump's grandfather. It was most active in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

3 Poems at Springtime

[Prefatory Note: Theodor Adorno’s unforgettable remark of 1983 continues
to challenge and even haunt: “to write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric.”
When I first encountered such a startling sentiment II was grateful to be reminded
that to engage normally involves turning a blind eye toward acute and massive
suffering, at least briefly. Today there are many horrors inflicted on innocent decent people

The Eye of the Beholder: There is Never Anything New

 it is through mimesis, (identification with the mirror image) that one gains a sense of unity, self-containment and mastery over the body. If that was all that there was to it, humanity would be condemned to dwell forever entombed in the hell of mirrors. However, the identification with an Other in the mirror opens out the possibility for symbolic thought.