
Is Adoption Legalized Kidnapping?

Kidnap is a verb that is defined as:

To take (someone) away illegally by force, typically to obtain a ransom.  Synonyms include: abduct, carry off, capture, snatch, take hostage.

Yet most kidnappings involve no ransom and many – such as parental “kidnappings” –  involve no force at all. And some illegally, criminally kidnapped children are raised well in every respect, as the child of their abductor:

Gay Adoption: Is This Really the Most Pressing Issue in Adoption Today?

The media has focused on gay adoption for quite a while, perhaps because it is controversial and controversy – like sex – sells. So, it is little wonder the attention being given to gay rights advocates who are up in arms about laws they see as discriminating against them in the adoption arena based on religious beliefs of adoption agencies such as the law recently passed in  Kansas granting legal protections for faith-based adoption agencies that refuse to place children in LGBTQ homes.

Orphaned Kittens Find Love in the Arms of Senior Citizens

Nursing homes and animal rescues have a lot in common, when you think about it. Both can be lonely, isolating places that lack the warmth and familiarity of loved ones and home. So it makes perfect sense that the Pima Animal Care Center (PACC) in Tucson, Arizona, decided to team up with Catalina Springs Memory Care to save homeless felines and enrich the lives of senior citizens. [1]

The Journalistic Stunt of Trafficking Syrian Children

In a recent article written for Information Clearing House, Franklin Lamb states: “I confess to having purchased four children near Ramlet el Baida beach recently from a stressed-out Syrian woman.” The article goes on to describe the illegal practices of brokering, bartering, purchasing, and trafficking children. The eventual goal seems to be a “re-homing” of these young ones, with the side benefit of a journalistic coup in terms of self-promotion.