adolf hitler

Man living in Argentina claims to be Hitler

A man who claims to be 128 years of age has publicly outed himself as Adolf Hitler.
The man who now calls himself Herman Guntherberg claims that he fled to Argentina after 1945 used fake documents.

Argentina: 128-year-old man claims he is Adolf Hitler
— Underground Science (@UndergndScience) June 18, 2017

Ukrainian politician promises ‘Night of the Long Knives’

For the second time this week, a Ukrainian member of parliament (Rada) called on the Ukrainian regime to take a direct lesson from Adolf Hitler. Yuriy Bereza who came to power as part of the far-right People’s Front party said that if the leaders of the regime do not follow radical measures to prevent the break-up of the country, the only solution will be a ‘Night of the Long Knives’.
READ MORE: Ukrainian parliamentarian sees Hitler as a role model

Ukrainian parliamentarian sees Hitler as a role model

The Ukrainian regime is about to pass into law, a bill which will totally shut down Russian language media in the country, in spite of many people in the country who speak Russia as their first language. This includes both important media and locally produced Russian shows and news bulletins.
While the move has been praised by many, one member of the neo-Nazi Radical party thinks otherwise. His justification though is all the more frightening.

Here’s how I was censored for marching against fascism in The Immortal Regiment

Yesterday, I marched in my local Immortal Regiment, an event where millions throughout the world hold photos of loved ones, comrades and heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
This year, because of the fight against fascism currently transpiring in Donbass, Donetsk People’s Republic leader Aleksandr Zakharchenko said that people can additionally carry images of the fallen heroes of the Donabss people’s war for liberation against fascist aggression from the post-coup Ukrainian regime which was installed in February of 2014.

Violence plagues Victory Day in Ukraine

While the fascist Kiev regime threatened terrorist attacks against the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics on Victory Day, The two Donbass Republics celebrated Victory Day in peace and with dignity.
READ MORE: Victory Day in Donbass 
The same cannot be said of Kiev controlled regions. In spite of Victory Day being an ‘event non-grata’ in post-coup Ukraine, many ordinary people still felt the desire and the need to honour the veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Kiev seeks prosecution of 94 year old Great Patriotic War veteran

Less than five days before Victory Day, the fascist regime in Kiev is attempting to prosecute a 94 year old veteran of the Great Patriotic War.
94 year old Boris Steklyar fought in the harrowing Battle of Stalingrad and was also present during the Battle of Berlin, the lat stand of the fascist Nazi regime before surrendering on the 9th of May 1945.