Adolf Eichmann

"Le Monde", journal oblique, annonce la mort d’Ernst Zündel

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15.0px; font: 14.0px Helvetica; color: #000000; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} Dans sa livraison datée du samedi 12 août, en page 16, Le Monde publie sur deux colonnes un long article signé de Thomas Wieder, un journaliste dont la dévotion au culte de la Shoah est connue. Intitulé « Ernst Zündel, Editeur négationniste », l’article s’orne d’une photographie du défunt, disparu le 5 août.

"Le Monde", pseudo-objektive Zeitung, verkündet die Nachricht des Todes von Ernst Zündel

In seiner Ausgabe vom Samstag, den 12. August, Seite 16, veröffentlicht der Le Monde auf zwei Spalten einen langen Artikel, gezeichnet von einem Thomas Wieder, einem Journalisten, dessen Hingabe an den Kult der Schoah hinlänglich bekannt ist. Betitelt „Ernst Zündel, Holocaust-leugnender Verleger“, schmückt sich der Artikel einer Photographie des Verstorbenen, verschieden am 5. August.

The slanted French newspaper "Le Monde" announces the death of Ernst Zündel

In its edition of Saturday, August 12, Le Monde published a long, two-column article by Thomas Wieder, a journalist whose devotion to the “Shoah” cult is well known. Entitled “Ernst Zündel, Holocaust denial publisher” and adorned with a photograph of the deceased, who died on August 5, its tone is set by the first two sentences:The French Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson called him “dear friend”, considered him a “source of inspiration”, and said that he was “the man he admired most”.

Yes, Israel Is Executing Palestinians Without Trial

Photo: Ashrakat Qattanani, 16 year old Palestinian girl was shot in the West Bank, first a settler ran her over with his car, and when she was lying injured on the ground, soldiers and settlers shot her at least four times.

In 2016, one doesn’t have to be Adolf Eichmann to be executed in Israel – it’s enough to be a teenage Palestinian girl with scissors.

by Gideon Levy

The U.S. and Israel Plan the Destruction of the Nation State of Iraq

The concept of a “Greater Israel”, according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” Rabbi Fischmann, of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, stated to the UN Special Committee on 9th July 1947 that: “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon”, wrote Michel Chossudovsky.