Activisim & BDS

The Jewish History In Palestine !!

What are the Jews doing here in Palestine? They have never been natives of Palestine but occupiers !!!
The Canaanites were the [indigenous] inhabitants of Canaan, the older native name of Palestine, and the jews were just invaders !
I tell you history according to the jewish Torah, the Old Testament, the Talmud and the oral jewish history Hamishna:

Beware: The Pogrom Is Coming !!

Over the past year I have faced a tremendous pressure from “pro-Palestinian activists” not to write the truth about what is going on here … they wanted me to write of “pace”, “love”, “coexistence” and about the “lovely” zionist occupiers and to draw a shining image for our death, of our blood … If you cant see the reality I write, you are blind, you are zionist !!
Sami, the bedouin

Speech by UNRWA Commissioner to the UN regarding desperate situation of Palestinian refugees

Residents of the besieged Palestinian camp of Yarmouk queuing to receive food supplies in Damascus, Syria, on Jan. 31, 2014 Image credit: UNRWA via AP

The illegal blockade of Gaza remains in place subjecting Palestinians to collective punishment and denying all but a few the opportunity to lead normal lives, including by interacting with the outside world. Reflecting this, 893,000 Palestine refugees are food dependent, 11 times the number 15 years ago.


God help the Palestinians! Their ‘can’t deliver’ Chief Negotiator is now promoted to Secretary-General

There is speculation that PA Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat is  being prepped to take over as president from Abbas, although he told Mehdi Hasan he wished to go back to being a university professor. Well go, dammit, go!


 by Stuart Littlewood
Watch this horror movie…. if you can bear to. It stars Palestine’s top negotiator in action. And it’s not pretty.

Exclusive Video: Israeli police interrogate 13-year-old accused of stabbing

Nov. 9, 2015 9:35 P.M. (Updated: Nov. 9, 2015 9:35 P.M.)
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — In a video obtained by Ma’an, Israeli officials were captured on film during an interrogation of a 13-year-old Palestinian child accused of stabbing two Israelis near the illegal Pisgat Zeev settlement in East Jerusalem.
The video shows clips of the interrogation of Ahmad Manasra,13, as Israeli detectives yell curses and verbally abuse Manasra, as they question him about the incident and his motives.

A Letter to an Israeli: Kindness and Postage Stamps are not Enough

by Iman Najjar-Annab
Dear on-the-fence-about-the-Occupation, two-state-solution Israeli,
Please stop posting warm fuzzy photos and articles that show moments of kindness between Israelis and “Arabs”. Please, do not post that Belgian postage stamp showing the beginning of a bad joke, a priest a rabbi and an imam. Please stop pontificating about Arab/Muslim extremism being the root of the Arab-Palestinian-Israeli conflict.