
Age of Transitions Bonus Podcast 035, Pearse Redmond, Controlled Demolition of the Sears Tower

  This month I am cheating a little bit and posting my recent appearance on Aaron’s monthly Patreon bonus podcast as my bonus podcast.  Rest assured you will not be disappointed.  From Pearse Redmond returns to the bonus podcast. Here, he and Aaron talk about how popular it is to market your independent media […]

Trump Deserves A Far Worse Fate Than He Is Likely To Get

 Biden's First Order of Business by Nancy Ohanian Trump doesn't exactly mix with the masses; no one would be able to get their hands on him, no matter how many COVID-deaths he has caused. Right now the U.S. is reporting over 100,000 new cases a day. On Monday it was 127,231 new cases. On Tuesday it was 142,212 new cases and so far today-- with hours of reporting to go-- it is 67,893 new cases, bringing the U.S.

Rahm Emanuel Proving A Crook Knows How Best To Nail A Crook? Inadvertently Makes The Case For Impeachment And For A Bernie Presidency

Rahm knows from first hand experience how Democratic Party leaders have driven it to hell in a hand basketI think we can all agree that the source of The Atlantic piece, It’s Time to Hold American Elites Accountable for Their Abuses, is suspect, to say the least, but when Rahm Emanuel wrote that "if Democrats want to address simmer

Criminal Accountability For Corporate Wrong-Doing? Elizabeth Warren Says It's About Time

It sickens me to see politicians get off with slaps on the wrist when they are caught in criminal activities-- even child rape. Same goes for banksters, corporate executives and the super-wealthy. These people should be punished more harshly, not less harshly because of their place in the social strata.

If We're LUCKY, Trump's Economy Will End In Recession, Not Something Worse

Former California Congressman David Dreier (R) could've been a contender. Except for the homophobia. Closet case Denny Hastert, then GOP speaker, named him Majority Leader for half an hour, but when the House Republican leaders started melting down over the "gay thing," Hastert relented and gave it to a perpetually tanned alcoholic instead. Poor Dreier; he worked so hard before bumping into a glass ceiling he never imagined would end his career.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahReports are that things are looking mighty bleak in Donnie's oval office these days, what with Robert Mueller's legal eagle swat team closing in. We've seen indications of what info Mueller may be gathering, but only Donnie knows everything. Only Donnie knows everything he's done.You just got too damn big, Donnie. I think you knew a storm was coming.