
Luciferian Cults – Illuminate Confirm – Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

Jamie joins me to discuss the works of Kerth Barker, as we examine the nature of modern Luciferian movements behind the UN and worse.  In fact, the claims of Barker extend to predicting years ago the inversion we see nowadays, including kannibalism.  We cover the notion of the left hand all the way to the 8mm level stuff, if you think of the Nic Cage film.


The Truth About LSD & Psychedelics – Terence McKenna & Jay Dyer (Half)

Ghost of Terence McKenna joins us first, then an intro to Dr. John C. Lilly: We cover new research I’ve done in the globalist books series and in relation to my new book, the sequel to Esoteric Hollywood pertaining to LSD, MK Ultra and Dr. John C. Lilly. Jollyon West dosed elephants with LSD and Lilly preferred dalliances with dolphins. Even worse, Lilly abused children and wiped their minds with LSD – here are your “great scientists.”


Are aliens real? What are UFOs? Do they relate to Darwinism? What about the new age movement? What about MKAYultra? I think these all relate and the news has exploded recently with reports of the military “admitting” the presence of UFOs. Is this something new, or is this a regurgitated psy op? What about Hollywood and its endless promotion of the alien agenda? For the full talk be sure to subscribe to JaysAnalysis at the website for access to the archives.


Did This Film PREDICT the Roman Catholic Scandals AND HEREDITARY?

A lesser known film based on Dennis Wheatley’s esoteric novels and in the vein of The Devil Rides Our, which I covered in my first book, Esoteric Hollywood. In the last couple decades the Roman Church has been plagued with scandals that are not, in fact, new. Did Wheatley, with his connections know inside info? Did you know he was an insider with Crowley? Check out my analysis of To The Devil A Daughter.

Eyes Wide Shut 30 Years BEFORE? Eye of the Devil Analysis – Jay Dyer

30 years before Stanley Kubrick made the highly revelatory film Eyes Wide Shut, another film had shown a similar dark side to the elite: Eye of the Devil, starring none other than Sharon Tate, then wife of Roman Polanski. Given her other roles and Polanki’s other films (Polanski did not direct Eye of the Devil), we see yet another window into the dark side of the elite, their worship of bloodlines and the connections between Hollywood and medieval gnostic sects. Be sure and share, click like and subscribe!