abstract entities

Matt Dillahunty Vs Jay Dyer – Theism Debate Live Rescheduling



Note for the debate: YouTube changed the ingestion settings live stream page since we tested it two days ago. Matt was cool about it and we are rescheduling for week of 19th. No one was running, YT has redone steaming page. You can’t schedule a live event and have it stream the way it used to since hangouts is gone, you have to use “live stream now.” My mistake

Fractals Shifting Your Paradigm

Given recent discussions and critiques, I thought a decent documentary on fractals would be beneficial. Simply put, the fractal is too complex to demonstrate without computer imagery. These complex forms, based on sets, demonstrate infinities are realities, and not merely a nominalist, “limiting factor” token symbol humans have “invented” or socially constructed. Despite the absurdity of the scientists in the documentary positing “natural selection” as the “creator” of fractals, the obvious truth is that they point directly to telos in nature, and thus God.