
Reproductive Rights and the Fight Against Fascism

Last week, a group of nine unelected millionaires serving lifetime terms, also known as the Supreme Court, voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, a 1973 Supreme Court decision guaranteeing the constitutional right to abortion. Since then, tens of thousands of people have been in the streets across the nation protesting this nationwide assault on human […]
The post Reproductive Rights and the Fight Against Fascism first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Liberal World Order Spergs Out - FF Ep174

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Henrik and Lana cover the latest in episode 174 of Flashback Friday July 1, 2022.
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CovertAction Bulletin: How Biden Can Step in to Protect Abortion

On today’s show, we discuss the unprecedented roll-back of women’s rights and civil liberties with the overturn of the landmark Supreme Court decision Roe V. Wade. After the decision dropped thousands upon thousands of people poured into the streets in places across the country.
The post CovertAction Bulletin: How Biden Can Step in to Protect Abortion appeared first on CovertAction Magazine.

Liberal Racism Rears Its Ugly Head (Again)

Using phrases like “American Taliban” or invoking the term “sharia law” to attack the ruling of Christians on the court is all the rage after the recent Roe v. Wade decision. Once again, we have people—primarily liberal white people—engaging in racist, Islamophobic tropes. Muslim activists, scholars, and researchers have repeatedly pointed out this racism and […]
The post Liberal Racism Rears Its Ugly Head (Again) first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Overruling Roe v Wade: The International Dimension

American exceptionalism can be a dreary thing, and no more so than each time a US president promotes the country’s imperial credentials and continued prowess.  But in matters of literacy, shared wealth, and health care, the US has been outpaced by other states less inclined towards remorseless social Darwinism. The overruling of Roe v Wade […]