Abdul Rashid Dostum

Porkins Great Game episode 18 Grey Wolves, Marxist Sex Cults, and NATO

Christoph and I are back!  After a long hiatus we have returned with a jam packed episode.  In the first segment we discuss the bizarre “bomb plot” to attack the recent MEK Summit in Paris.  Then we explore the allegations that this was orchestrated by the Iranian government and the bogus claims by the West and Israel about a network of sleeper cells across Europe.  We then turn to a discussion about those swept up in the investigation–including an Iranian diplomat from Austria.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 102 South Asian Scandals and Trumps Foreign Policy

On this solo episode I discuss two major geopolitical situations and their possible impact in the region and on the US. I begin by breaking down the political crisis that is unfolding in Afghanistan with Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum and the allegations that he ordered the beating and rape of a political rival. I explain the back story of these allegations and how they have presented a serious political challenge for Afghan President Ghani these past several months.