Aaron Schock

The Movie About Aaron Schock Is A Politically-Oriented X-Rated Gay Pornography Film

A few days ago, when Steve Israel, announced he would retire from Congress at the end of the year, I mentioned that my co-screenwriter and I would consider asking him if he wants to try out for the role of Steve Tel-Aviv character in our made-for-cable political sit-com. I suspect Titan Men, the gay porn producers, didn't ask Republican former-Congressman Aaron Schock to play the part of Mike Cauke, a closeted politician in the new x-rated film Cauke For President. Don't worry, the trailer up top is not x-rated.

How Much Will GOP Pretty Boy Aaron Schock Pay To Keep His Pretty Ass Out Of Prison?

Those arms are made for huggin', not brawlin'On Friday, Republican gangster Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm, an ex-marine, ex-FBI agent, ex-congressman, and tough-talking reputed Mafia operative, was sentenced to 8 months in federal prison, the gentlest slap on the wrist to a thug who knows enough to turn the FBI inside out.

GOP Generation Y Fund Probably Won't Be As Active This Cycle As It Was Last Cycle

In 2008, when Aaron Schock declared his leadership PAC-- the GOP Generation Y Fund-- was open for business, Schock was the youngest Member of Congress and he claimed the PAC was meant to help elect more young Republican Members. Last cycle Schock raised $782,233 and distributed 510,404 to Republicans to House seats. Electing "young" Republicans, however, doesn't seem to have been on his mind. Among recipients of his largesse were elderly conservatives like, to whom he handed out checks in $5 and $10 thousand increments:

Why Does The Media Think Aaron Schock's Duplicitous Life In The Closet Is Unmentionable?

Is there still anything to say about Aaron Schock on blogs like DWT which have been talking about his corruption for years and years? Now that TV news has been all over the Aaron Schock scandal, we might as well just walk away and leave it to them, right? Not so fast. Rachel Maddow's report Tuesday night on MSNBC (above) was, as one would expect, better than most of the mainstream media coverage.