Aaron Schock

Homophobia Is Still A Problem-- And Not Exclusively In The GOP... Meet Status Quo Joe, Who's No Harvey Milk

Biden's never passin' that torch voluntarily-by Nancy OhanianUnlike most Americans, I didn’t first hear of Status Quo Joe when Obama used him to balance his ticket— one black guy + one racist guy; one anti-war guy + one warmonger; one moderate + one conservative— in 2008.

Republican Ex-Congressman Tell Why He Faces Up to 100 Years in Prison on Charges That Are Absurd When Examined Closely

Aaron Schock, a former Congressman and rising star in the Republican party, was charged two days after Trump was elected with misuse of a campaign vehicle and spending too much money to redecorate his office. Schock is facing 22 charges that carry a sentence of 80 to 100 years in prison. [...]

Sure, He's Guilty But Is Aaron Schock Being Railroaded?

I have to admit, I'm a huge fan of politicians going to prison. In fact, helping male sure Duke Cunningham wound up in prison was one of the reasons we started DWT originally. As woefully rare as it is, I love it when corrupt politicians get caught and see their miserable lives shattered and ruined and then wind up on a prison cell. Especially conservatives. And I was a fan of Aaron Schock's ruin over the last couple of years. This link includes the 2015-2017 posts.

What Kind Of Corruption Will Sessions Take On-- And What Kind Will He Ignore?

Corruption draws certain types of characters to DC the way flies are drawn to horse barns. And while there's never quite been anyone like El Presidente-elect Señor Trumpanzee before, who actually told the NY Times yesterday that "In theory I could run my business perfectly and then run the country perfectly. There's never been a case like this...

The UK Agrees To Pardon Dead Gay People, But NOT Living Gay People-- What About Gay Zombies?

Here in America, Republican closet case-- door half ajar-- is back on Instagram. "After relinquishing his seat, Schock’s once very active social media accounts went completely dark. He stopped posting daily updates about his life on Twitter or sharing half-naked pictures of himself on Instagram.