Aaron Regunberg

Three More Primaries This Week: New Hampshire Today, Rhode Island Mañana, New York Thursday

In a few hours we should have results from New Hampshire's first congressional district, where Carol Shea Porter is retiring, and from the gubernatorial race. This is 2018's last contested congressional primary in the country. We'll get back to that in a moment. Tomorrow we'll be watching Rhode Island, where a a disgusting pair of corrupt conservative Democrats, Governor Gina Raimondo and Lt. Governor Daniel McKee, are fighting for reelection. And then Thursday, it's New York's non-federal primaries.

Conservative Billionaires Think They Can Buy Democratic Primaries-- Can They?

The day after the New York congressional primaries, geniuses in the mass media, including in New York City, were running around asking how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spells her name. They missed the boat on that one-- missed it entirely. Now they're missing the boat on another big story-- that Republican billionaires are spending heavily in Democratic primaries.

Aaron Regunberg, Rhode Island's Contribution To A Better American Future

We talk a lot here at Blue America about the need to primary conservative Democrats and replace them with bold progressives. And there's a powerful example of that action happening right now in Rhode Island. We've never endorsed in a Lt. Governor's race before but Rhode Island's leading young progressive voice in state government, State Representative Aaron Regunberg, recently announced a primary challenge to the incumbent Lieutenant Governor Dan McKee. This is a race Blue America wants to get involved with.