Aaron McFarlane

New questions in FBI Boston bombing witness killing

By Dave Lindorff | This Can’t Be Happening | May 14, 2014

Almost a year after an FBI agent shot and killed, under suspicious circumstances, a crucial witness in the Boston Marathon bombing case during a botched midnight interrogation in an Orlando apartment, serious questions are being raised about the FBI agent who fired seven shots into Chechen immigrant Ibragim Todashev last May 22.

New questions in FBI Boston bombing witness killing

By Dave Lindorff | This Can’t Be Happening | May 14, 2014

Almost a year after an FBI agent shot and killed, under suspicious circumstances, a crucial witness in the Boston Marathon bombing case during a botched midnight interrogation in an Orlando apartment, serious questions are being raised about the FBI agent who fired seven shots into Chechen immigrant Ibragim Todashev last May 22.