6 of the Best Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Pharmaceutical drugs prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis number in the hundreds. If they really worked so well, you have to ask yourself – why do we need so many? There are numerous natural remedies for arthritis that are just as beneficial for reducing the pain and swelling which causes arthritis, specifically, from the root cause of inflammation in the body.

LIONEL PODCAST: We Know Nothing! Nothing!

We know nothing! Nothing! We don’t ask or question or care. We’re busy. We have our boxing matches and royal births. We have a tissue-thin latticework of policy, ideology and what may pass for history. Our politics are titular and superficial at best. We don’t think, question and will never stray into any field that could in any wise be construed as conspiratorial. Heavens no! We have been duped into thinking that the left/right paradigm exists, that it means something, they represents substance.