Vidrebel is moving upward and onward

Resistance takes many forms. I guess I have been a card carrying member of the resistance since I was 9 years-old. I had read about the great crime of debt based currencies which transfers all wealth from the Gentiles to the Jews. I knew many Americans starved to death during the Great Depression but I could not then prove  it was 3 million who died rather than rebel. And I also denied the Holohoax. I successfully disproved my school’s Holohoax indoctrination program in front of the class.

The Fifty Year Plan To Make Americans Poor

One of the reasons President Kennedy was assassinated was that the Bankers wanted to make billions of dollars every week laundering drug money. They needed the Vietnam war to last a really long time so they could demoralize young people and get them hooked on drugs. The Bankers had made fortunes from the Opium Wars. Her Majesty’s Jewish Government fought two wars against China (1839-1842 and 1856-1860) so a handful of families could become wealthy beyond our imaginations. Another reason for the President’s assassination was so the Bankers could loot Pentagon spending.

Vidrebel on Rebekah Roth And 911.

I have previously posted 911 material from investigators I did completely agree with. One was Dr Judy Wood. Another was Barbara Honegger. Today I would like to present some material from Rebekah Roth who wrote the book Methodical Illusion which I have not read. I am using two long radio interviews as my source. Roth is I think a pen name. She did work for airlines for 30 years which gives her valuable insights other 911 investigators lack.

Vidrebel: So Why Do Americans Still Celebrate The Fourth of July?

Hopefully, we will once again be a free society and the Fourth of July will be more than one day of a three day holiday marked by fireworks.
The Patriot Act and the NDAA were passed to tell us we were no longer a free country. The Bush administration drew up a list of 8 million Americans the Israelis and the Bankers wanted incarcerated when the dollar collapses. It is not a workable plan but then that crowd in Washington DC is not very bright. See this:
Screw Up: 8 Million Americans Are On The List To Be Disappeared