Video: Dr Judy Wood And 911 Facts

On 911 WTC Towers 1, 2 and 7 almost completely disappeared except for one small corner of the 47 story WTC 7 building. It is a fact that these buildings did turn into dust. Science must account for that fundamental fact. There exists somewhere the ability to direct energy to disrupt the bonds of matter. This technology could be used for free energy. The Towers did not collapse. Dr Wood says the Towers were turned into dust in mid air by a Directed Energy weapon. But her conclusion that Directed Energy was used is not why I am posting her latest video.

The Zyklon B Dance Party And Other Tales From The Resistance

The International Committee of the Red Cross wrote a   three-volume Report of the  on its Activities during World War II and published in Geneva in 1948. Contrast this to the camps run by the Jews in the Soviet Union where we know tens of millions did die. Or compare the treatment of Palestinians in Israeli prisons or Muslims in those secret torture camps run by the CIA under the control of the Zionist puppets Bush and Obama.

Banker Occupied Governments Reduced To Desperate Measures.

Robert Mundell is the father of the euro. When he taught at the University of Chicago, he told his students that the euro was never intended to actually work. Its purpose was to fail, impoverish the people of Europe and force them to accept a dictatorship from the unelected European Commission. This is according to Greg Palast of the BBC who attended the University of Chicago.

Videos From Family Guy And Lone Gunmen ‘Predicted’ Boston Bombing And 911

I am expecting another False Flag soon for two reasons. The dollar is about to collapse along with the yen, the pound and the euro. This bombing at the Boston Marathon seems to be unraveling rather quickly so these psychopaths will have to double down and go for something really, really big. Eventually they will feel the need to kill more people at a False Flag event than they did on 911.

DIA Man Was Pulled From Boston Marathon By Military

In the last 5 minutes of hour four of today’s show Alex Jones said Rob Dew’s brother-in-law ran the Boston marathon. Rob said he works in domestic intelligence for the US Army. AJ said he was in the DIA. He was in position to finish the race at about the time of the bombing. He was pulled from the race by military superiors and sent to a hospital to be treated for dehydration even though he thought he could have finished the race. AJ compared this to Mayor Willie Brown being told by Condoleeza Rice not to fly on 911.

Video: Criminal Bank Cartel Attack. Sign The End Is Nigh?

On the Friday before Americans had to file their income taxes were due an Investment bank used Merrill Lynch brokerage to sell 3.4 million ounces of gold (100 tonnes). Two hours later 10 million ounces of (300 tonnes)was sold. Of course these were all paper certificates and not physical assets.
This is the third time we have had a 20% drop in gold since 2008.