9/11 conspiracy

Trump, 9/11, Kushner 666, Dancing Israelis – And the Big Redirection…

The recent anniversary of 9/11 got me thinking about some of the ongoing oddities around the World Trade Center attack. It also got me thinking about various interesting connections in elite circles, New York real estate, the Trump era and how it relates to the ongoing psy-op of the post-9/11 world we all woke up […]

9/11: The Whole Rotten Saga & the Most Ineffective Cover-Up Ever…

9/11 isn’t going to go away. The same pre-fabricated, false-flag horror that enabled destructive, world-changing agendas to be accelerated, kick-started the phenomenon of modern Islamist terrorism and paved the way for America’s modern surveillance state, is also the incriminating, self-tied noose around the crime’s still-at-large masterminds. 15 years later, belief in the official 9/11 narrative […]

9/11 – The Whole, Rotten Saga & the Most Ineffective Cover-Up Ever…

9/11 isn’t going to go away. The same pre-fabricated, false-flag horror that enabled destructive, world-changing agendas to be accelerated, kick-started the phenomenon of modern Islamist terrorism and paved the way for America’s modern surveillance state, is also the incriminating, self-tied noose around the crime’s still-at-large masterminds. 15 years later, belief in the official 9/11 narrative […]