Flannery O’Connor’s Prophetic Novel Predicted The New Atheists – Wise Blood – Jay Dyer (Half)

Hazel Motes is a wild dude. In fact, his character is in many ways an archetype of the new atheists and the cult they head nowadays with their scientism lab coat vestments. We will do a deep literary analysis of the symbolism and philosophy of this Southern Gothic classic. This is a half analysis – […]

Special Report: The Beast System Is Here

Jay Dyer of jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down how the Beast System has arrived. Remember to boost that T naturally with 60% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY60’       Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures […]
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Lil Nas X – Satanic Shoes? Jay Dyer Reveals The Secrets Of The Light Bearer!

 Documentary filmmaker and commentator Jason Bermas invited me back to cover the big picture: cults, intelligence agencies and social engineering.  Bermas has hammered home the deep analysis of NXIVM, Jeffstein Effrey and how this relates to the overall plans for a world government.  From human compromise and espionage to social engineering and mind control, […]

Esoteric Hollywood & Alien Engineering: Jay Dyer on Veritas Radio

Mel invited me on the popular Veritas Radio Show to discuss my books, propaganda, the collapse of old Hollywood, the nature of control systems, and how pop culture works to form our minds.  This interview is unique, as Mel is an experienced interviewer who asks tough questions that made me think.  We cover 80s films, 90s films, MK ultra films, and how Hollywood is using the alien agenda for the next phase of initiation.

Bird Box (2018) Meaning Explained – JaysAnalysis

Wine moms of the demonic apocalypse. All Ive seen in my feed lately is a host of discussion and video analysis of this film, so I thought I’d give it a run. I think the film was mediocre and proposed a few interesting ideas, but ultimately was another version of Shyamalamadingdong’s Happening with – blindfolds (Masonic?). Be sure to like and share and subscribe!

Microchipping the Masses! The Beast System! Jay Dyer & Dana Ashlie

Dana Ashlie invited me on her channel to discuss the rise of technocracy as the central goal of the entire global government. All aspects of the agenda can be grouped under this: complete, managerial technocratic control.
Her channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBizESL5Wcvcxs2eB6h0txQ
My Site: https://jaysanalysis.com
My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyer