4th Industrial Revolution

The World Economic Forum Embraces The Metaverse to Create Global Collaboration Village

In the name of "harnessing technology to transform the future of public-private cooperation", the WEF will employ the Metaverse to create the Global Collaboration Village. The WEF claims that it is the first "global, purpose-driven metaverse platform to enhance sustained multistakeholder cooperation and action at scale."

‘Davos Man’ Cometh And He Is A Technocrat

This is a worthwhile read from start to finish. The world needs to send "Davos Man" (Klaus Schwab, et. al) packing before he gets his hands around your neck. The bulk reorganization of 8 billion souls, 195 countries, the $105 trillion global economy and all social structures should not be left to megalomaniacs who are "reimagining" how the world should be structured. They should stick to their "magic mushrooms" and let real people run a real world.

Thomas Paine: ‘These Are The Times That Try Men’s Souls’

There may be a time in the near future when global elitists get the shock of their lives, namely, that those who have been "going along" with their crackpot schemes just stop going along. The force of global society will prove to be too much to overcome and the whole globalist citadel will come tumbling down. The problem is, how much hubris will be created in the meantime.

Technocracy And Empire: The Influence Of Zbigniew Brzezinski

his is a recent article by a European blogger, Hügo Krüger, that looks into the life of Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was a co-founder of the Trilateral Commission - the genesis of modern globalization. Brzezinski was David Rockefeller's right-hand man until both dies a few years ago. Brzezinski is still credited as being the chief architect of China's entrance into the global economy and its transformation into a Technocracy.

Blackstone Amasses $50 Billion To Buy Homes During Coming Housing Crash

Blackstone already owns almost $300 billion in real estate and will pour in another $50 billion during the next real estate crash, turning swaths of neighborhoods into giant rental communities. Expect rental prices to soar as wealth is drained from the middle class. The goal of Technocracy is to place all physical assets into the hands of a few super-elitists, creating a neo-feudalist world.

Hohmann: In A Technocracy, You Will Have No Rights, Only Privileges

Imagine your life being like an iPhone or Android App: You buy the smart phone, grab a supposedly free app and then you notice the fine print: "In-App Purchases" required. If you don't pay the fee, the app doesn't work right. If  you don't pay the monthly phone service for the phone, it will stop working, leaving you with an expensive paperweight.

Disconnect: Trump-Endorsed Oz’ Deep Connections With World Economic Forum

As votes are recounted in a very close GOP primary in Pennsylvania, some voters are trying to reconcile former President Donald Trump's endorsement of Dr. Mehmet OZ, who was named a "Global Leader of Tomorrow" by the World Economic Forum in 1999. The WEF's Great Reset ideology is anathema to the "America First" political philosophy.