Episode 3 – DRIVE BY WIRE: ‘Under New Management’ with Patrick & Shawn

MEMBERS can join co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton from 21WIRE for their brand new morning commute show ‘DRIVE BY WIRE’ shown in full here at 21WIRE.TV…
A 45 minute extended stream of consciousness analysis of America’s new President Trump, his policies, the DC Women’s March, feminism, Madonna, Tony Montana, politically correct mobs, ISIS, and Insane John McCain and much more. It’s going to be a wild ride (the next 4 years we mean)…

CrossTalk: ‘White Helmets, Really?’ with Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett & Patrick Henningsen

21st Century Wire says…
They were tipped for a Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo today, but despite the multi-million dollar PR campaign run 24/7 through US and UK media outlets over the last month, the western-funded ‘NGO’ known as The White Helmets came up short. 
On the eve of the award ceremony in Norway, CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle posed a fundamental question: