2020 US elections

Election Special: Pre-Planned 2020 Election Chaos and the “New 9/11”

In this 2020 election special, a collaboration between Unlimited Hangout and The Last American Vagabond, Ryan and Whitney discuss recent and unsettling warnings from US intelligence officials that the US is "at the doorstep of another 9/11", while many of those same intelligence agencies are directly tied to tight-knit group of shady companies that have been simulating "doomsday" scenarios for the 2020 US election for over 2 years, including scenarios that mainstream media have recently portrayed as inevitable with less than a week to go before the election.

Election 2020 to be “dumpster fire” as Dems intent on taking country by force [Video]

The Democrats appear to be threatening an all out coup d’etat if their guy doesn’t win. Unless there is an epic landslide in favor of one or the other candidates, the election results will be contested. Depending on who contests, the violence may become extreme. So goes the prediction laid out on Tucker Carlson’s program, shown here below: